

Week 0 (9/2) Course Introduction - Angeliki, Will, and Alex


Week 1 (9/4, 9/8) Molecular Basis of Behaviors Underlying Addiction - Marina Picciotto

Paper 1: Expression of the transcription factor deltaFosB in the brain controls sensitivity to cocaine, Kelz et al., Letters to Nature, 1999

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Paper 2: Synaptic microtubule-associated protein EB3 and SRC phosphorylation mediate structural and behavioral adaptations during withdrawal from cocaine self-administration, Calipari et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, 2019

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Week 2 (9/11, 9/15) The Neuronal Cytoskeleton and Axonal Transport in Health and Disease - Shaul Yogev

Paper 1: Polarity orientation of microtubules in hippocampal neurons: uniformity in the axon and nonuniformity in the dendrite, Baas et al., PNAS, 1988

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Paper 2: Kinesin-1 regulates dendrite microtubule polarity in Caenorhabditis elegans, Yan et al., eLife, 2013

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Paper 3 (Optional): Growth cone-localized microtubule organizing center establishes microtubule orientation in dendrites, Liang et al., eLife, 2020

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Week 3 (9/18, 9/22) Neurobiology of Social Cognition - Steve Chang

Paper 1: Stimulus-selective properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque, Desimone et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, 1984

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Paper 2: A Cortical Region Consisting Entirely of Face-Selective Cells, Tsao et al., Science, 2006

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Week 4 (9/25, 9/29) Chemoreception in the Fly - John Carlson

Paper 1: Behavioral Mutants of Drosophila Isolated By Countercurrent Distribution, Benzer, PNAS 1967

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Paper 2: A Conserved Dedicated Olfactory Circuit for Detecting Harmful Microbes in Drosophila, Stensmyr et al., Cell, 2012

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Week 5 (10/2, 10/6) Value-Based Decision-Making - Ifat Levy

Paper 1: The Neural Correlates of Subjective Value During Intertemporal Choice, Kable & Glimcher, Nature Neuroscience, 2007

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Paper 2: Neural Prediction Errors Reveal a Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement-Learning Process in the Human Brain, Niv et al., The Journal of Neuroscience, 2012

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Week 6 (10/9, 10/13) Inhibition and Excitation in Cortical Circuits - Jess Cardin

Paper 1: Enforcement of Temporal Fidelity in Pyramidal Cells by Somatic Feed-Forward Inhibition, Pouille & Scanziani, Science, 2001

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Paper 2: Vision and Locomotion Shape the Interactions between Neuron Types in Mouse Visual Cortex, Dipoppa et al., Neuron, 2018

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Week 7 (10/16, 10/20) Homeostatic Plasticity and Synaptic Scaling - Susumu Tomita

Paper 1: Activity-dependent scaling of quantal amplitude in neocortical neurons, Turrigiano et al., Nature, 1998

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Paper 2: Autism-Associated Shank3 Is Essential for Homeostatic Compensation in Rodent V1, Tatvarty et al., Neuron, 2020

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Week 8 (10/30, 11/2 5 - 6:30 pm) Repeat Expansion Diseases - Junjie Guo

Paper 1: A novel gene containing a trinucleotide repeat that is expanded and unstable on Huntington's disease chromosomes, The Huntington's Disease Collaborative Research Group, Cell, 1993

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Paper 2: CAG Repeat Not Polyglutamine Length Determines Timing of Huntington's Disease Onset, Genetic Modifiers of Huntington's Disease (GeM-HD) Consortium., Cell, 2019

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Week 9 (11/6, 11/10) Neurodegeneration - Sreeganga Chandra

Paper 1: Alpha-Synuclein in Lewy Bodies, Nature Scientific Correspondence, Spillantini et al., 1997

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Paper 2: An Essay on the Shaking Palsy, James Parkinson, J Neuropsychiatry Clin Neurosci, 2002

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Paper 3: iPSC Modeling of Young-Onset Parkinson's Disease Reveals a Molecular Signature of Disease and Novel Therapeutic Candidates, Laperle et al., Nature Medicine, 2020

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Week 10 (11/13, 11/17) Visual Processing in the Vertebrate Retina - Jimmy Zhou

Paper 1: Selective Sensitivity to Direction of Movement in Ganglion Cells of the Rabbit Retina, Barlow & Hill, Science, 1963

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Paper 2: Directionally selective calcium signals in dendrites of starburst amacrine cells, Euler, Detwiler, & Denk, Nature, 2002

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Week 11 (11/20, 12/1) Genetics of Autism Spectrum Disorders - Ellen Hoffman

Paper 1: De novo mutations revealed by whole-exome sequencing are strongly associated with autism, Sanders et al., Nature, 2012

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Paper 2: Coexpression Networks Implicate Human Midfetal Deep Cortical Projection Neurons in the Pathogenesis of Autism, Willsey et al., Cell, 2013

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Week 12 (12/4, 12/8) Principles of Feeding Control - Marcelo Dietrich

Paper 1: Experimental Hypothalamic Hyperphagia in the Albino Rat, Brobeck, Tepperman & Long, Yale Journal of Biology & Medicine

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Paper 2: Sensory Detection of Food Rapidly Modulates Arcuate Feeding Circuits, Chen et al., Cell, 2015

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